When it comes to speaking about health conditions, many women dismiss or brush off health symptoms. If you do the same by accepting symptoms as part of womanhood – you are not alone in this.
There are a number of health symptoms that most women experience throughout their lifetime but don’t share or consult. It can be sudden stabbing pain in pelvic area female or endometriosis leading to an impact on lifestyle and reproduction.
To be more aware of the symptoms related women’s health, here is a list of some common symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore:
Breast Changes
Breast cancer is one of the common health conditions that affects nearly 66% of women globally. The breasts are constantly changing because of lifestyle and body weight. They also change because of hormonal fluctuations in the body, typically before menstruation.
This can be normal for some women, but if you are experiencing a major change in the size and shape of your breasts or any lump, it is time for you to consult your health specialist for an inspection and diagnosis.
Pain in the Chest
Most women experience sudden pain in the chest. It comes on suddenly but doesn’t go away easily. This makes it serious as this can be a sign of a heart attack. It is never advised to take chest pain lightly by any health specialist.
There are several signs and symptoms that indicate serious heart conditions. It can be shortness of breath, lethargy, or pain radiating in the arms, back, jaw, and even neck. Some women may also experience a sensation of heaviness on the chest.
It can also indicate a lung embolism. So, if you experience any pain in the chest, never take it lightly and always discuss your symptoms with a health specialist.
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
The menstrual cycle is a major concern for many women. There are a number of factors that impact the cycle and blood flow. Depending on your lifestyle, the amount of stress you experience, and your weight loss journey, every single factor impacts the menstrual cycle.
That’s why it is advised to be observant of your menstrual cycle. If you have experienced heavy bleeding or no bleeding for more than 2 days, it’s a sign to see your doctor as a priority. There can be underlying conditions that need to be treated, such as anemia or fibroids.
Bloating is a common cause of discomfort, and you usually don’t need to worry too much about it . However, it is important for you to know that if the size of your abdominal area is increasing, it can be a sign of ovarian cancer.
If you experience loss of appetite and changes in your bowel habits, it can be a sign of chronic bloating. Besides this, you can suffer from bloating because of IBS, food intolerance, and constipation. If the pain increases in your lower abdomen or you feel full while eating, it is better to contact a health specialist to get your health examined.